Lab PI

    • Chris Summerfield
    • Chris Summerfield
    • Chris is the lab PI. He is Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, and a Research Director at UK AI Safety Institute.

Postdocs and Fellows

PhD Students and Research Assistants

    • Lukas Braun
    • Lukas Braun
    • Lukas is a PhD student co-supervised by Andrew Saxe.

    • Carla Zoe Cremer
    • Carla Zoe Cremer
    • Zoe is funded by the FHI.

    • Ellie Holton
    • Ellie Holton
    • Ellie is a 3rd year PhD student co-supervised by Jill O’Reilly.

    • Jirko Rubruck
    • Jirko Rubruck
    • Jirko is funded by the ESRC and co-supervised by Andrew Saxe.

    • Denis Lan
    • Denis Lan
    • Denis is a 3rd year PhD student co-supervised by Laurence Hunt.

    • Kai Sandrbink
    • Kai Sandrbink
    • Kai is a 2nd year PhD student co-supervised by Simon Stringer.

    • Aeron Laffere
    • Aeron Laffere
    • Aeron is a 3rd year PhD student primarily supervised by Armin Lak.

    • Mia Whitefield
    • Mia Whitefield
    • Mia is on the 4-year Biosciences DTP and is co-supervised by Helen Barron.

    • Alex Grogan
    • Alex Grogan
    • Alex is a researcher and software engineer, as well as an MSc student at UCL.

Alumni (PhD Students / RAs)

    • Elizabeth Michael
    • Elizabeth Michael
    • Lizzie defended her PhD in 2015. She is now a Henry Wellcome fellow in Cambridge at Henry Wellcome.

    • Dan Bang
    • Dan Bang
    • Dan defended his PhD in 2015. He is now a Lundbeck Foundation Fellow at Aarhus University.

    • Jan Balaguer
    • Jan Balaguer
    • Jan defended his PhD in 2018. He is now a research engineer with DeepMind.

    • Hannah Tickle
    • Hannah Tickle
    • Hannah defended her PhD in 2018. She is now a data scientist at Trainline London.

    • Santiago Herce-Castanon
    • Santiago Herce-Castanon
    • Santiago defended his PhD in 2018. He is now a researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

    • Hildward Vandormael
    • Hildward Vandormael
    • Hil defended his PhD in 2017. He is now working as a data scientist for the University of Oxford.

    • Vickie Li
    • Vickie Li
    • Vickie defended her PhD in 2019. She is now working as a data scientist for Faculty AI.

    • Fabrice Luyckx
    • Fabrice Luyckx
    • Fabrice is now working as a data scientist for Massive Media in Ghent.

    • Fabian Otto
    • Fabian Otto
    • Fabian was an RA in the lab in 2019-20 after graduating from Oxford. He is now a graduate student at ETH Zurich.

    • Ron Dekker
    • Ron Dekker
    • Ron defended in 2021. He is now a postdoc in the lab of Mingbo Cai in Tokyo.

    • Leonie Glitz
    • Leonie Glitz
    • Leonie was in the lab for 6 years and defended in 2024. She is now working as a postdoctoral researcher with Helen Barron.

Alumni (Postdocs)

    • Vincent de Gardelle
    • Vincent de Gardelle
    • Vincent is now a tenured CNRS researcher at the Sorbonne, Paris.

    • Valentin Wyart
    • Valentin Wyart
    • Valentin is now a tenured INSERM researcher at the ENS, Paris.

    • Annabelle Blangero
    • Annabelle Blangero
    • Annabelle is now a data scientist for OCTO technology (Paris).

    • Andreas Jarvstad
    • Andreas Jarvstad
    • Andreas is now a faculty member in the department of psychology at City University.

    • Hamed Nili
    • Hamed Nili
    • Hamed is now a postdoctoral researcher at UKE Hamburg.

    • Hannah Sheahan
    • Hannah Sheahan
    • Hannah is now a research engineer at DeepMind.

    • Neil Garrett
    • Neil Garrett
    • Neil is now an associate professor at UEA.

    • Stephanie Nelli
    • Stephanie Nelli
    • Steph is now a tenure-track professor in Cognitive Science at Occidental College in LA.

    • Paula Parpart
    • Paula Parpart
    • Paula is now teaching methods in data science.

    • Keno Juechems
    • Keno Juechems
    • Keno is now a research scientist at Limbic AI.

    • Aniruddh Galgali
    • Aniruddh Galgali
    • Aniruddh is now a postdoc with Maneesh Sahani at UCL’s Gatsby Unit.